Request Legal Assistance
Interpreter Services Available
The Children’s Law Center of Massachusetts (CLCM) offers information, resources, and referrals to youth, parents, attorneys, and helping professionals. CLCM also provides legal representation to children 0-22 in select cases. CLCM does not represent parents or adults over 22.
CLCM helps callers statewide relating to the rights of children and youth in the following areas:
Education: Exclusion from school due to discipline, inappropriate services/placement or pushouts; enrollment issues; disability related including 504/special education/restraint/seclusion (in limited circumstances)
Immigration: humanitarian protections for children under 22 (including special immigrant juvenile status, asylum, asylum, DACA, U and T visas), family preparedness, immigrant rights. We do not represent family units.
Emancipated Minors: CLCM does not represent children in emancipation requests, but attorneys are available to speak with children and youth about emancipation.
Juvenile Delinquency: counseling before or after a juvenile delinquency case. CLCM does not represent children in juvenile delinquency matters except by court appointment. We cannot offer advice regarding pending juvenile delinquency cases.
Custody/Guardianship: CLCM can only offer information about the rights of children who are involved with DCF or in Child Requiring Assistance (CRA) cases. CLCM does not represent children in C&Ps, CRAs, custody disputes, guardianships, or other family law matters except by court appointment. For representation in custody matters, see our Resources page.
To request legal assistance in these areas please:
Complete the Online Form below, or
Call 1-888-KIDLAW8 or 1-888-543-5298 during available hours to speak to a legal assistant
Online Form
To request legal assistance, please complete our online form: Request for Assistance
Para solicitar asistencia legal, complete nuestro formulario en línea: Solicitud de Asistencia
Over the Phone
To speak to a legal assistant, please call 1-888-KIDLAW 8 (1-888-543-5298). Interpretation services are available. Assistants are available during the following hours only:
Monday 1 pm – 4 pm
Tuesday 10 am – 1 pm
Wednesday 10 am – 1 pm
When calling, please note the following:
The Children's Law Center of Massachusetts Is Not Your Lawyer
The Children's Law Center of Massachusetts does not represent you unless and until we give you a written agreement that says the Children's Law Center of Massachusetts will be your lawyer and will represent you in a specific matter. Until then, you are still responsible for all the actions you need to take in your case.
The Children's Law Center of Massachusetts will not disclose any confidential information you share with us without your permission.
To request assistance, you will need to give us personal information about yourself, the child requiring assistance, household income and assets, and the nature of the legal problem. We only use this information to determine if you qualify for legal aid services. We will not share the information you give us without giving you notice or without your consent.
The Children's Law Center of Massachusetts Cannot Help Everyone
Even if you are eligible for our services, the Children's Law Center of Massachusetts is not able to provide everyone with a lawyer. Sometimes, Children's Law Center will provide brief advice or provide you with referral information about other providers who may be able to help.